We proudly announce that BT has received its ISO Certification in translation and machine translation post-editing services.

The continuing economic, political and industry changes are nothing but a boost to improve the services we provide. In the last couple of years, BT has committed to improving its processes and teamwork, going through the profound transformation required to face the new industry challenge.

The translation industry demands more and more accuracy, more qualified professionals and stricter processes to minimize errors and produce faster. This entails not just adjusting to these demands but doing it in an orderly manner with a clear purpose in mind.

A Closer Look at ISO 17100 and 18587

ISO 17100 is the international standard for translation. It sets the basis for the whole translation process, considering factors such as:

  • Information security: confidentiality, safe return and disposal of information.
  • Resources involved: Project Managers’ and Linguists’ qualifications and ongoing training.
  • The process itself through its different stages: pre-production, production, final delivery and post-production.
  • Quality assurance: processes to minimize errors and implement client feedback or requests.

ISO 18587 is the international standard for modern-time translation; that is, it considers the use of machine translation in the translation process.

This Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) standard provides requirements for the process of full, human post-editing of MT output and post-editors’ competencies. In addition to all ISO 17100 requirements, this standard also considers:

  • Linguists' specific skills for MTPE, training and professionalism.
  • The particular MTPE process and adequacy of certain texts.
  • The analysis of each project to determine if MTPE is feasible.

The journey to these certifications was definitively challenging. We had to adjust our processes and develop new ones not just to comply with the Standard but, most importantly, to provide a better service. Our whole team was involved, and each member contributed new ideas that were later developed and implemented.

This achievement demonstrates our commitment to quality and permanent improvement, embracing technology, and producing culturally appropriate and accurate translations. It reassures our clients of our unwavering dedication to excellence being a significant step forward in our company's purpose of building bridges to connect and enrich cultures.

By: Juan Andrés Baquero